Saturday 16 March 2013

When actions speaks louder!

Character plays a major role of inviting mad3u to taqwa. You may be great in delivering speech but your action makes most of the effort of making mad3u conscious of Allah. There was a story of a muslim man. He was raised by a muslim family. But his family’s deen was some kind of complicated. It was totally mixed up with other religion. He grown up in New York and never really practicing Islam at that time. He used to get into fight with his mother, he went to jail, he used to be in mob gangs and all kind of stuff.

Later on, he repented and starts looking for god. As his name was muslim so he started to search about Islam. He started going to masjid and starts learning how to pray. One day his wife [who was not a muslim at that time] realized that his husband had changed. He was praying, beers was gone from the fridge, he was not going out with his drinking buddies and he did not spend his weekend in Atlantic City anymore. He was a different guy! And the guy did not tell anything to his wife. He didn’t even asked the wife to wear hijaab or to pray. 

The guy went to meet a scholar in their city. He told the scholar of their current situation that he was becoming more religious and her wife was still a christian. And he did asked for help! The scolar said ‘ Don’t say anything about islam. Just be the best husband you can be and to that, just study what kind of husband that our prophet had shown to us’. In the other word, just follow the sunnah!

At first he did make some argument with her wife about christianity but none of them really worked. 3 years goes by and he stops debating about christianity. He just be what he can be as the best husband. One day as he was making maghrib, his wife joint him in solah! He was totally curious and asked her after solah.

H: What happen?

W: No, nothing..

H: No you have to tell what’s going on.

W: It’s  complicated [like most women said]. Eventually the wife told the husband that she was really amazed with his husband. The way he treated their family. The way he plays with their child. It was totally different. She never saw a man treated their family like he was. Even his father was not so good to her. It was so beautiful. This religion can’t be wrong.

Subhanallah! You can see Islam in the way people communicate and socializing. It was’t just about being in masjid, remembering as many ayah of quran, spits out the knowledge at someone and how many qoutes of scholars you can deliver. It is about how are you living up your life. If people can see that, you are calling them to the taqwa. -UNAK-

I'm not so good when it comes to practical but do pray for me and tell me if I did anything wrong :)

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Hagah Lillah

Once there was a blind old begar in the city of Madinah. She spent most of time cursing Muhammad (Pbuh) “Brothers and sisters! Don’t go near Muhammad. He is nothing but an imposter, a witch,  a mad man. If you approach him, you will be under his influence and become like him. ”

When Rasulullah (pbuh) heard about this, he came to him and looked upon him without saying anything. From that day on, Rasulullah began to come to him everyday to tend and feed him without telling him who he was. And the old beggar keep yelling and telling nonsense things abaout Muhammad Pbuh. After Muhammad had passed away, there are nobody to fed the old guy. 

One day, Abu Bakr came to visit her daughter Aisha R.A and asked her whether he has left out any daily habits that has been done before by the prophet. Aisyah R.A answered that her father has not done the daily activities of feeding the old beggar on the corner of the Madinah city market.

Hence, Abubakar RA, came to that old beggar to carry the habit of Rasulullah. He began to feed him for a while but then the beggar was annoyed and shouted angrily to Abubakar R.A, “Who are you feeding me?”

“It is I who always come here to feed you”, answer Abubakar.

“No, you’re not! You’re a different person. The man who always comes here, usually grind the food until it is soft enough for me to chew and then feed me gently with his own hand. You didn’t do the same thing and your hands are different.”

Hearing his words, Abubakar could not help himself but cried. He told him, ” The noble man that always came here to feed you was not here anymore. He has left us to his Rabb.”

“Who was this man?”, asked him, with softer voice. “He is Rasulullaah, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu allaihissalaam.”

Hearing this, the man cried unintentionally. When he finally got a grip of himself, he said “So he was the man that I always cursed and insulted but nevertheless he still tended me so gently and dearly. And I never had the chance to ask for his forgiveness. May Allah forgive me for  my sins.” And at that moment in front of Abubakar as Sidiq he cited the syahadat and converted to Islam.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Ibu dan Cinta

During pregnancy, the level of progesterone is high and cause the lower oesophageal spinchter to relax. So, some of the gastric content will be refluxed into the oesophagus and cause heartburn!

Ini salah satu pengorbanan ibu sejak kita dalam kandungan lagi. Ini belum kira abdominal pain, back pain dll. Jarang orang mencintai seeorang yang telah menyakitkan dia. Kalau orang berchenta dengan kekasih terus putus kalau dah kena tampar. Tapi kalau kena cubit tuh lain sket kot.. eh?  Ibu ni, sayang kat anak dia walaupun anak dia tak keluar lagi ke dunia. An infant starts to develop their emotional and thinking process at the age of 12 months. Punyalah lama nak tunggu cinta berbalas. Kalau saya dah tak sanggup tunggu. Begitu indah kasih sayang Allah SWT kepada setiap hamba-Nya dengan mengurniakan insan yang setia berdamping sejak awal usia kandungan lagi.

 Kepada Inche Ibu. Thanks a lot. Tak tau la camna ibu boleh tahan kerenah kami adik beradik selama ni. Tak tau la camna lagi nak wish thank you. Kalau boleh mahu saja memeluk ufuk timur dan barat nak tunjuk kat ibu yang saya pun sayang. Tapi takda currency dunia yang boleh bayar jasamu. Doakan kami baik2 sahaja di perantauan. May Allah bless you =)

“Dan Tuhanmu telah mewajibkan supaya tidak menyembah selain dari-Nya dan berlaku baik kepada ibu bapa.” (Surah al-Isra’, ayat 23)

#ibu is just another word for love

Monday 4 March 2013

#cerkon 1

Daripada Aisyah RA: bahawa Nabi SAW bangun di waktu malam (bersembahyang) sehingga pecah-pecah kedua kakinya. Aku bertanya kepadanya, “Kenapa engkau lakukan ini wahai Rasulullah SAW? Sedangkan Allah SWT mengampunkan dosa engkau yang terdahulu dan yang terkemudian”. Jawab baginda, “Tidakkah aku suka menjadi seorang hamba yang sentiasa bersyukur?.”

Rasulullah SAW seorang kekasih yang dijanji syurga. Kedudukan beliau sangat tinggi pada mata  Khaliq apa tah lagi makhlukNya.  Tapi janji2 itu tak merobah taat setia nabi. Bahkan menjadikan beliau lebih banyak beribadat. Kita?
Ramai yang dah tau hadis ni tapi tak ramai yang menghayati. Kita ni orang kebanyakan yang bukan sekadar tidak lagi dijanji sorga, nak lepas dari azab kubur pon belum tentu. Tapi berlagak raja tiada sedar diri hamba. Nauzubillah.. Bersyurlah Allah masih bagi lagi rezeki untuk makan dan minum dalam keadaan kita lalai dalam suruhanNya. Make a move ! Shift your paradigme.


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