Monday 17 June 2013


‘Weii... klu aku tgk ko ni skang bleh nampak belakang’

Yang p****K hujung sekali ! [waktu amik gambar]

Ko ni what’s app sini, what’s upp sana.. ko tak up2 pon~

A**** pakai kasut baru sama tinggi dengan aku

Berikut adalah situasi yang kurang menyenangkan pabila tiba waktu2 ketinggian diambil kira.. Bukanlah mengeluh, cumanya situasi2 begini buat Tok rasa ‘asing’ . Cehhh!
Kisah Ibn Mas’ood ni smart ouh!

lbn Masud, the Prophet’s SAW Companion, was the man who had been as small as a bird. He was just like a dwarf. He was so thin and short that he was the same height as a sitting person. He had very thin legs. He once climbed a tree to pick some arak sticks for the Prophet SAW, and when the Companions saw how thin his legs were they laughed. The Prophet SAW said, ‘Are you laughing at Ibn Masud’s legs? On Allah’s scales of justice they are heavier than the mountain of Uhud.’ Indeed that was the poor, weak hired boy who became by faith an Imam guiding people to the light.
 –hadith of the day-

We may be short in terms of physical means.. But never be a ‘short’ person in doing good deeds and spreading the beauty of Islam.. May Allah grant us taqwa, tawfeeq and hidayah in going good deeds.

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. -Hujurat 13-

Thursday 6 June 2013

Orang Putih!

One day a British man asked from a Muslim scholar:

English man asked: ”why Muslim women are not allowed in Islam to shake a hand with men?”

The scholar said: “could you take the hands of Queen Elizabeth in your hands?”

English man said:” Of course not, only certain people are allowed to shake hands with the Queen”

The scholar answered: Our Ladies are Queen and the Queen won’t shake hands with strange men

#cp, but worth to share.. 



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