Sunday, 10 February 2013

Beautiful Hikmah

One day..  A young man come to Rasulullah () he said :

Ya Rasulullah.. Allow me to commit zina

The sahabah was angry, how could he ask the permission of rasulullah to commit zina!
Rasulullah brought him forward and ask him to sit. Then the prophet come closer to him..

Would you like that your mother commit zina?
No! Said the young man  .. I would not want my mother to commit adultery...  I will give myself up for you ya Rasulullah.. !
Would you like your sister to do it?
When you have a daughter.. would you like her to do it?
Your aunty from your father side?
Your aunty from your mother side?
Rasulullah said.. People don’t want that for their mother, their sister, their daughter and even their aunt... 

Then Rasulullah put his hand on the young man’s chest.. and make du’aa on him.

‘Oh Allah guard his heart, and protect his chestidy’ 

The young man was so pleased.. then he said

The thing that i wanted most is to commit adultery and the thing that i hate most now is to commit fornication.

Lessons :

1)      If you want to resolve a problem.. Don’t do it on the phone or when the other person is on the other side.. Try to make sure you are close to that person. Be sincere in your advice and one of the best way is make it secretly. If you want to help them by making a change in their heart, it  sholud come from your heart too .. and make a du’aa for them as well.InsyaAllah they will accept our advice.

‘  Advicing someone in front of the others are embarrasmen ‘ Imaam As-Syafie

2)      Be polite. Rasulullah approach him him in such a beautiful manner. He didn’t shame him aside. He did’nt say “are you crazy?? How could you ask me that question??” as most of us will say so..This was an extremely beautiful example of the hikmah of our prophet.. He knew that the person doesnt have much knowledge and was  dealing with  ignoring young man.. So he make beautiful dua’aa and give him understanding instead of saying bad thoings to him.. Saying bad thing and being angry will not make the person to be close to islam.. It will just make him further away from understanding..  Wallahua’lam


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